
Julius AI Review: Turn Complex Data Into Your Best Insights

Julius AI review

Julius AI is an advanced data analysis tool that understands and transforms your raw data into something you can understand.

I am talking about things like, but not limited to, data handling, analysis, and data visualization.

The best part?

You don’t even have to know all the technical know-how.

Thanks to its clean, conversational interface, if you know how to use ChatGPT, you’ll know how to use Julius AI.

It’s built with non-technical individuals in mind.

But just how useful is it for you?

You’ll see now.

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Try Julius AI


Julius AI logo

Julius AI is an advanced data analysis and visualization tool that allows you to upload your data files (Excel, CSV, PDF, etc.) and interact with the data using natural language. If you want to get the best out of your data minus the technical hassle, try Julius AI now.

Ease of use0/5
Data Handling and Analysis0/5
Data Visualization0/5
Academic Assistance0/5
AI Answer Engine0/5
  • Ease of use with a conversational interface for non-techies.
  • Advanced data handling, analysis, and visualization capabilities.
  • Ability to create interactive and animated data visualizations.
  • Integration with AI models like GPT-4, Claude, and access to the internet for enhanced insights.
  • Uploaded files get deleted after an hour (potential inconvenience).
  • The free plan is limited to 15 messages per month.
  • Web app.
  • Android.
  • iOS (iPhone and iPad).

Free plan, paid plan starts at $20/month

(Use coupon code DHRUVIR to get a flat 10% discount on your first payment)

What is Julius AI?

Julius AI is a powerful data analyst, a generative AI answer engine, and a research assistant that enables you to do magical stuff with/without your data.

Julius AI

It lets you chat with your files (PDF, image, CSV, Google Sheets, etc.) and extract the insights you want from them.

Julius AI is so versatile that you can do everything from basic PDF summarization to complex statistical analysis.

You can create different charts and graphs (interactive and animated as well) from your data and download them with a click.

It is extensively trained to understand Python, and recently, R language. That means it can fulfill almost any use case compatible with Python and R.

But that's not all.

Julius AI is well-equipped with other programming languages as well.

In fact, I used it to create a complete web application (HTML, CSS, and JS) with a single prompt.

The best part?

Julius AI has access to the State-of-the-art LLMs like:

  • GPT-4
  • GPT-4o
  • And Claude-3.

And it can even access the internet.

Additionally, Julius AI has an Advanced Reasoning feature. If you turn it on, it thinks deeply and spews out ultra-detailed and complete responses.

Finally, Julius AI has a Model Lab feature. It lets you experiment with the latest AI models. Think of it as a generative AI tool with internet access but without file embed capabilities.

With access to models like:

  • GPT-3.5/4/4o
  • Claude Open/Sonnet/Haiku
  • Command R/R+
  • Gemini Flash/1.5
  • And LLaMa 3

It can answer any questions you have. Like Perplexity AI, it provides sources for the answers and related questions you might want to ask next.

This means no/less hallucination anxiety.

Now that you know what Julius AI is and what it does, I will quickly uncover the major beneficiaries before moving on to the Julius AI features.

Who is Julius AI For?

Julius AI has use cases in many domains including but not limited to marketing, academics, healthcare, and economics.

Everyone from a university student and researcher to a high-profile data scientist can benefit from Julius AI.

Below are some examples:

  • Business professionals and data analysts: Julius AI enables data-driven decision-making by providing advanced analytics capabilities like regression modeling, projections, and data animations.
  • Academic researchers and students: Julius AI can assist with literature reviews by analyzing research papers and providing summaries. It even simplifies the process of data visualization for research findings.
  • Machine learning beginners: Julius AI provides a hands-on, beginner-friendly way to learn core machine learning concepts. You can train machine learning models on datasets without needing to write code.
  • Marketers and marketing teams: Marketers can unlock insights into their target audience, optimize campaigns, and explore new sales opportunities.

The short answer is this: Julius AI has something to offer to anyone who wants to get better out of their raw data without the time-consuming manual work.

With that out of the way, it's time to put Julius AI into action.

Getting Started with Julius AI

Using Julius AI is easy.

Head over to Julius AI's homepage and click the Start a Chat button to create a free account.

Once you log in, you will land on this page. It's Julius AI's main dashboard.

Julius AI dashboard

It's clean and minimal, with a left sidebar that can be collapsed for a further minimal look.

Julius AI dashboard with collabsed left sidebar

All the conversations will take place on the chat container.

Julius AI chat container

Let's look at what Julius AI can do for you, one use case at a time.

Data Handling and Analysis

Julius AI can do a lot for your data.

And it all starts with you uploading your data file.

Click on the Clip button and you will see the file upload options. Choose from different file upload options.

Once your file is uploaded, it will be visible. If it's a spreadsheet, the content of the spreadsheet will be visible too.

Uploaded spreadsheet inside Julius

It gets better.

You can drag and select specific parts of the spreadsheet if you want Julius AI to provide your answers only from a certain data subset.

By default, Julius AI reads the whole spreadsheet.

For the sake of this tutorial, I will use a Google Sheets dataset that consists of:

  • the amount of traffic my website gets from different countries.
  • and the CTR (click-through rate of each country).

I exported it from my Google Search Console account.

And I uploaded it to Julius AI.

IMPORTANT: All the files you upload automatically get deleted from their servers after an hour. While they do it for security reasons, it may not be convenient for those who need their file to be saved inside Julius AI.

Julius AI even allows you to upload multiple files simultaneously.

Pro Tip: If you don't have a sample dataset to play with, head over to Google Datasets or Kaggle Datasets to get free datasets on any topic. Download and play around with that data inside Julius AI.

Once I upload the file, there are a few options I can enable/disable before chatting with my data.

Clicking on the default button opens up all the LLMs you can use inside Julius AI.

I will go with Claude-3.

Next, we have tools. Here, you can enable/disable:

  • Internet access.
  • And running code while analyzing data.

The Plain Mode disables the above two (not recommended).

Finally, I always recommend you enable Advanced Reasoning so that AI can create an appropriate plan for the task to get it done.

Advanced Reasoning in Julius AI

A few other settings before we can analyze our sample dataset.

In the top right corner, you can select Python or R language.

Runtime programming languages supported by Julius AI

Besides language selection, there is a chat setting option. We are interested in the Tips section.

It is a simple text container where you can provide tips to Julius AI that it can follow (e.g., respond in a certain language, cut to the chase, answer with humor, etc.).

It's the same as ChatGPT's custom instructions feature.

Now, I can ask Julius AI to do something specific with the data I uploaded with a natural prompt. But in this case, I will hit enter without giving it any command and see what happens.

Boom! Within seconds, it starts to understand the data file.

The first thing it does is load and understand the data through Python code. The ability to show/hide the code helps keep the page clean.

Julius AI load and understands the provided data with the help of a Python code

You can even edit the code and it will make appropriate changes.

It then loads some of the data as a table inside the chat interface.

Julius AI loads some of the file data

In the end, it gives two further action suggestions that I might want to perform next.

Further action suggestions provided by Julius AI

I want to analyze my data. To be specific, I want to know the top five countries that bring the most amount of clicks to my website.

Julius AI provides me with the top five countries that bring my website the highest clicks.

Data analysis with Julius AI

Not bad.

This is just one overly simple example from someone who doesn't know shit about all things data. Imagine what all the crazy analysis stuff you can do with your data.

Data Visualization

Julius AI makes it effortless to visualize your data. You can create almost any type of chart/diagram that exists.

Below is the list of almost all the visualizations that Julius can create for you:

Basic Charts:

  • Bar Chart
  • Column Chart
  • Line Chart
  • Area Chart
  • Pie Chart
  • Doughnut Chart

Statistical Charts:

  • Scatter Plot
  • Bubble Chart
  • Histogram
  • Box Plot
  • Violin Plot

Heatmaps and Density Plots:

  • Heatmap
  • Density Plot
  • Contour Plot
  • Hexbin Plot

Hierarchical Charts:

  • Treemap
  • Sunburst Chart

Specialized Charts:

  • Radar Chart
  • Polar Area Chart
  • Waterfall Chart
  • Funnel Chart
  • Gantt Chart

Network and Flow Diagrams:

  • Sankey Diagram
  • Chord Diagram
  • Network Graph

Financial Charts:

  • Candlestick Chart
  • OHLC Chart

Advanced Charts:

  • Bullet Chart
  • Gauge Chart
  • Pictogram Chart
  • Word Cloud
  • Mosaic Plot
  • Parallel Coordinates Plot

Geographical Charts:

  • Geographical Map

3D Charts:

  • 3D Surface Plot
  • 3D Scatter Plot
  • 3D Line Plot
  • 3D Bar Chart
  • 3D Mesh Plot
  • 3D Contour Plot
  • 3D Heatmap
  • 3D Histogram
  • 3D Bubble Chart
  • 3D Network Graph

The list goes on. Julius AI doesn't mess around when you provide it with data.

Let's see what we can do with my sample Google Sheet data.

After I upload the file, I will ask it to look at the file and tell me the different types of visualizations that I can create for my data.

Julius starts to understand the file and lists down the main columns inside my data file.

It then suggests all the different visualizations I can create using this data. It also tells me the purpose of each visualization.

Pretty good.

I will ask it to create a Bar Chart to compare the number of clicks across different countries.

And bam, you have the graph ready to be downloaded.

Of course, mine looks much more loaded because it has included all the countries listed in the Google Sheet.

SIDENOTE: Like a code, Julius AI also allows you to edit some graphs, not all. For the graphs that can be edited, you'll see an edit button beside a download button.

Let's create one more chart - this time a pie chart to show the proportion of website clicks from each country (for the top five countries).


This was just the tip of a gigantic iceberg. You can create any type of graph you want.

And that brings me to something phenomenal.

Interactive Visualisations

What if you could interact with your graphs?

With Julius AI, you can.

To create an interactive visualization, ask Julius AI to create a specific interface graph.

For instance, I will ask it to create an interactive 3D pie chart for the top five countries.

Here's what I get:

Julius also gives me a download link. Click on it and you can download the complete HTML code and display this interactive data whenever you want.

By now, you can already imagine all the amazing interactive graphs and charts you can create for your use cases.

As if this was not enough, Julius AI takes it one step forward.

Animated Visualisations

What if you want to animate your boring-ass stagnant charts?

Julius AI allows you to animate and transform your charts into high-quality downloadable GIFs.

Here's an example:

Scary powerful.

Data analysis and visualization inside Julius are great. But if you're into AI/ML, you want to train your models to make them smarter, right?

Julius AI can help with that too. Let's see how.

Machine Learning

Julius AI makes machine learning a breeze, even if you're not an expert.

First off, Julius lets you build and train models using the most popular ML libraries out there, like sci-kit-learn, TensorFlow, and PyTorch.

When it comes to seeing how well your models are doing, Julius automatically calculates all the important metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score.

But the real magic happens when you want to use your trained models to predict stuff with new data.

What I really love is how Julius lets you experiment and iterate quickly. You can tweak settings, try different algorithms, and see results immediately.

It's not just powerful, it's also a joy to use if you are a machine learning engineer.

Multimedia Processing

This Julius AI feature is a godsend for content creators - YouTubers, bloggers, all of them.

For starters, Julius can look at any picture you give it and pick out all sorts of useful info and patterns.

Let's say you have a bunch of photos of different objects - Julius can actually recognize what's in each image, kind of like how we instantly know if we're looking at a dog or a car.

But Julius doesn't stop there. It can also handle videos like a pro.

It's a piece of cake for Julius to download videos from pretty much anywhere and then slice and dice them however you need.

So if you wanted to, say, grab a few key clips from a longer video, or stitch a bunch of shorter vids together, Julius would make quick work of it. No video editing skills are needed!

These were just some of the many examples of what can be done.

The possibilities are endless (e.g., changing the aspect ratio of any image, upscaling the image, downloading a higher-resolution YouTube video, etc).

Web Scraping

Julius AI is no joke when it comes to web scraping either.

Unlike complicated software, web scraping in Julius AI is pretty simple.

Head over to the chat page and ask it to scrape any webpage you want.

I will, for instance, ask it to scrape my website and give me some useful insights.

You see where this is going right?

Paste a link to any page and ask Julius to scrape/summarise that page for you.

Now scale it to e-commerce and job hunt.

You can scrape Amazon product pages, LinkedIn profiles, etc within seconds.

Simply brilliant.

Academic Assistance

If you're a student, teacher, or anything in between - Julius AI has something for you too.

First off, Julius is a math wizard. It can solve pretty much any complex math problem you throw at it, whether it's calculus, statistics, or algebra.

And the best part?

It shows you the step-by-step solution in this clean, easy-to-read format.

Julius's got your back in so many other subjects too.

Struggling to wrap your head around a tricky programming concept? Julius will walk you through it.

Trying to make sense of machine learning algorithms for your data science project? Julius is all over it.

It's like a walking, talking encyclopedia for all things academics.

And don't even get me started on research papers. Julius is your personal research assistant.

It can analyze those papers for you and pull out the key points, saving you hours of reading time.

It can even help you put together a slick literature review by summarizing a bunch of papers on your topic.

In short, Julius AI is a genius best friend who's always ready to help you out with your homework. And it won't get mad if you ask it to explain something for the hundredth time.

AI Answer Engine With State-Of-The-Art LLMs

Finally, Julius has a feature called Model Lab.

Model Lab feature in Julius AI

It is a generative AI that has access to all the latest AI models and the internet.

SOTA LLMs supported by Julius AI

This is very powerful.

While it does not allow you to upload and chat with your files, it can act as your answer engine.

Ask any question and it replies with an answer, backed by links to relevant sources.

Model Lab answer

This means it does not make up a bunch of stuff that does not exist. Julius AI does not hallucinate.

And because it has internet access, it is always updated with the latest information on any topic.

For instance, the IPL (Indian Premier League) cricket match final was held fairly recently (as of first writing this). I want to know who won.

Julius AI told me who won, again, with five references.

Julius AI's model lab has updated info

You can even use Model Lab to help you write/improve emails, proofread articles, and stuff like that.

Julius AI Pricing and Plans

Julius AI has a free plan that enables you to send up to 15 messages per month.

The Basic plan is the cheapest at $20 per month. With that, you get 250 messages per month, access to the main AI features, and basic customer support.

Julius AI pricing

If you want more, the Essential plan is the most popular. It's $45 per month and you get unlimited messages, longer convos with the AI, the ability to input more complex data and priority support.

There's also the Pro plan at $60 per month. You get everything in Essential plus premium support and a direct line to the CEO for urgent stuff.

And if you've got a whole team that needs to use it, they've got a Team plan for $70 per month per member. You get all the Pro features, support for the longest data inputs, and centralized billing.

Final Thoughts and Recommendations

If working with data is part of your job or studies, but you're not a total data science nerd, Julius AI could be a game-changer.

It's made for regular people like you and me who need to analyze data and get insights, but don't want to get bogged down in coding and technical BS.

The natural language interface is clutch - you just describe what you need in plain English, and Julius does all the heavy data manipulation and visualization for you.

And it's not just for data noobs either.

Even if you know your way around Python and statistics, Julius makes it easy to spin up quick visualizations or train machine-learning models without reinventing the wheel.

Julius AI brings powerful data tools to the masses in an insanely accessible way. If that convenience and democratization of data appeals to you, it's 100% worth giving a shot.

Head to Julius AI and sign up for the free plan. Play around with uploading some data and describing what insights you need.

I'm willing to bet you'll be hooked on how simple yet robust Julius makes the whole data game.

DISCLOSURE: Some links in this blog post may be affiliate links. This means that if you make a purchase or sign up for a service through these links, I may earn a small commission. However, I want to assure you that this does not affect the price you pay. I only recommend products and services that I genuinely believe in. Learn more.

Dhruvir Zala

Article by
Dhruvir Zala

I started this blog to provide brutally honest reviews of useful Generative AI tools and business productivity software. My objective is to help individuals and businesses choose exceptional products.

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