In picking/reviewing software and life in general, I have an investigative approach I live by.
To be specific and a little more dramatic, this quote by a fictional anime character, Inspector Lunge, defines my philosophy:
I will repeat that for you—“If you don’t want to be betrayed anymore, then start by doubting the person you want to doubt the least.”
When I begin testing any tool/app/software, I am skeptical of everyone by default:
Two significant things you should know about my software reviewing process:
- I never review any software without using it for at least a day.
- And I never promote any software that I don’t find useful (value for money) but has shiny affiliate commissions.
Of course, I can’t buy the premium plans for all the apps and software.
If I am going to use that app long-term, I will buy the paid plan.
But for most of the apps that I find interesting, I reach out to the person-in-charge, (mostly through email or LinkedIn) and I explain the situation.
This is the conversation flow template that I usually follow:
You would be surprised to see how many people are ready to help you when you are authentic about your intentions.
Once I get access, I test out the software, sometimes spanning up to a week.
NOTE: I never read the articles already ranking on the top of the search engines, at least not before I use the app myself.
Then I start writing.
That’s it.
I do this over and over again.